Strain Type: Lager | Flocculation: Med-High | Attenuation: 72-77%
Temperature Range: 50-55° F (10–13° C) | STA1: Negative | Alcohol Tolerance: 5-10% ABV
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A classic pilsner strain from the Czech Republic, this strain produces a clean, crisp beer that’s somewhat dry with a malty finish. A to-style pilsner strain, this yeast is also well suited for thirst quenching lagers such as Munich Helles, dunkels and American lagers.
Kindly note that selecting an ice pack option does not guarantee that liquid yeast will arrive cold, even when shipped together. The ice packs and insulated mailing options are meant to prolong the coldness of the yeast during shipment, not to ensure it arrives in a cold state. It’s important to note that we cannot replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. We suggest opting for dry yeast in warmer months to avoid any potential issues. Additionally, to avoid leaving the shipment outside, we recommend sending the package to a location where someone will be present at the time of shipment or tracking the shipment to make sure someone is present to receive it.