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Paradise Seeds are a unique and versatile addition to any beer brewer’s collection. Also known as “Grains of Paradise,” these small seeds have been used for centuries to add flavor to food and as a pepper substitute. With a peppery zing similar to peppercorns but milder, Paradise Seeds also bring notes of citrus and an earthy pine aroma to your brew.
To use, simply add the seeds to your boil during the last 2-5 minutes. The amount used will depend on your personal taste and recipe, but they are particularly popular in Belgian-style beers and summer ales. Crush lightly before adding for best results.
With their black-pepper notes, spiciness, and subtle hints of ginger flavor, Paradise Seeds are perfect for creating holiday ales and adding a unique twist to your brew. Each package contains 2 grams of these special seeds. Try combining them with Licorice Root and Sweet Orange Peel for a delicious Belgian Holiday beer.