
Gas In Corny Keg Ball Lock Disconnect

Gray Gas in Ball Lock Corny Keg Soda Beer Kombucha Kegging

Gas In Corny Keg Ball Lock Disconnect


Ball Lock Disconnect – Gas In 1/4″ Barb

  • Gas-in quick disconnect
  • Sturdy seal that won’t leak gas when in use.
  • High-quality plastic disconnect.
  • Works with ball lock connections.
  • Barb for attaching to a beverage line
  • The barb measures 1/4 inch, so it is compatible with either 1/4 inch or 5/16 inch beverage tubing.
  • Use with Cornelius, Corny, Pepsi, and other Soda/ Homebrew Kegs.
  • Connector is gray (gas) in with a 1/4” Barb connector.

In stock

Delivery by Feb 12th, 2025 - Feb 18th, 2025

Gas-in Ball Lock

This gray, gas-in quick disconnect comes with a barb for attaching to a beverage line, and its high-quality construction creates a sturdy seal that wont leak gas when in use. Attach your tubing, using a hose clamp, hook up to your regulator or CO2 manifold, and attach to ball lock keg.

The barb measures 1/4 inch, so it is compatible with either 1/4 inch or 5/16 inch beverage tubing (5/16″ gas tubing will be loose on this fitting so make sure the clamp is snug). Recommended use with Cornelius, Corny, Pepsi, and other Soda/ Homebrew Kegs.

Note: Sometimes ball lock fittings can be difficult to get fully seated on a Cornelius keg. We recommend using a quick spray of sanitizer solution to act as a lubricant and giving it a few twists while applying the ball lock.

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