
Now that you have your pickling spice, it's time to get started. Please choose one of the options below.

The Perfect Pickle
I'm a Complete Newbie

Now that you have your pickling spice, it's time to get started. Please choose one of the options below.

The Perfect Pickle
I'm a Complete Newbie

Now that you have your pickling spice, it's time to get started. Please choose one of the options below.

The Perfect Pickle
I'm a Complete Newbie

Gather your favorite vegetables, choose the perfect brine, and follow our simple steps to enjoy tangy, crunchy pickles that are sure to impress. Whether you’re preserving your garden’s bounty or experimenting with new flavors, this guide will help you create delicious pickles with ease.

Usage Chart for One Quart Jar

What Will You Pickle?

Hard Vegetables (1-2 lbs)
• Radishes
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Garlic

Soft Vegetables (1-2 lbs)
• Cucumbers
• Peppers
• Green beans
• Tomatoes

• Hard boiled Eggs (~9 eggs)
• Watermelon Rinds (1-2 lbs)
• Corned Beef
• Pot Roast
• Marinades

Choose Your Brine

Vinegar Brine (Quick Pickle)

• 1 tbsp The Classic Pickle Spice
• 1 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 1 cup vinegar
• 2 cups filtered water

Salt Brine
(Lacto-Fermented Pickle)

~2% Salt Brine (For Hard Vegetables)

• 1 tbsp Classic
Pickle Spice
• 1 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 3 cups water

~2% Salt Brine (For Soft Vegetables)

• 1 tbsp Classic Pickle Spice
• 2.25 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 3 cups water

Now What?

Vinegar Pickles

• Add prepared vegetables
(etc) to jar with brine
• Cover
• Refrigerate for 24 hours
• Enjoy!

Lacto-Fermented Pickles

• Add prepared vegetables (etc) to jar with brine
• Weigh vegetables down with a fermentation weight
• Cover with a lid & airlock
• Ferment at room temperature until desired taste and texture are reached

Easy Step by Step Guide for Pickling

Welcome to your easy step-by-step guide for perfect pickling! Whether you’re a seasoned pickler or a complete newbie, these simple instructions will help you create delicious, homemade pickles that you’ll love.


Decide What You Want to Pickle


Decide What You Want to Pickle

The first step to any recipe is choosing what you want to make, so when it comes to pickling spice, we have quite a few options as this is an extremely flexible ingredient. If you already know what you’re going to make, you’re good to go. If not, here are a few ingredients to choose from.

Hard Vegetables

• Radishes
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Garlic

Soft Vegetables

• Cucumbers
• Peppers
• Green beans
• Tomatoes


• Hard boiled Eggs (~9 eggs)
• Watermelon Rinds (1-2 lbs)
• Corned Beef
• Pot Roast
• Marinades

Hard Vegetables

• Radishes
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Garlic

Soft Vegetables

• Cucumbers
• Peppers
• Green beans
• Tomatoes

Hard Vegetables

• Radishes
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Garlic

Soft Vegetables

• Cucumbers
• Peppers
• Green beans
• Tomatoes


• Hard boiled Eggs (~9 eggs)
• Watermelon Rinds (1-2 lbs)
• Corned Beef
• Pot Roast
• Marinades


Choose Your Brine


Choose Your Brine

Now that we have chosen our ingredients, we need to pick our brine, which will determine whether we want to make a classic vinegar pickle or if we want to make fermented pickles. Regardless of the choice, here are three options below and how to make the brine.

Vinegar Brine
(Quick Pickle)

• 1 tbsp The Classic Pickle Spice
• 1 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 1 cup vinegar
• 2 cups filtered water

Salt Brine
(Lacto-Fermented Pickle)

~2% Salt Brine
(For Hard Vegetables)

• 1 tbsp Classic Pickle Spice
• 1 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 3 cups water

~2% Salt Brine
(For Soft Vegetables)

• 1 tbsp Classic Pickle Spice
• 2.25 tbsp sea salt or pickling salt
• 3 cups water


Pickle Your Vegetables


Pickle Your Vegetables

Now that we have our ingredients and made our brine, it’s time to bring it all together and let the magic happen.

Vinegar Pickles

• Add prepared vegetables (etc) to jar with brine
• Cover
• Refrigerate for 24 hours
• Enjoy!

Lacto-Fermented Pickles

• Add prepared vegetables (etc) to jar with brine
• Weigh vegetables down with a fermentation weight
• Cover with a lid & airlock
• Ferment at room temperature until desired taste and texture are reached

Happy pickling! We hope you enjoy making and eating your homemade pickles as much as we do. If you have any questions or need more tips, feel free to reach out!

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